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Family Support and Community Engagement

What is it?


FsACE is a “case management” program that looks at your needs and builds you a path toward self-sufficiency.

How does it help?

  • DENTAL AND VISION services, like dental exams, eye exams, and glasses.
  • TRANSPORTATION HELP with car repairs, bus cards, and gas cards
  • SCHOLARSHIPS for post-secondary education available starting 9/15/2023.
  • JOB PREP & COUNSELING including vocational training and job placement.
  • FRESH PRODUCE and nutrition education.
  • ADDITIONAL FUNDS for your unique needs, like beds, replacement IDs, GED fees, and beyond. 

Do I qualify?

To qualify for all FsACE services, you must live in suburban Cook County and meet the NEW, EXPANDED income guidelines. 

Gross Income Guidelines
Household Size 30-Day Annual
1 $2,430 $29,160
2 $3,407 $40,880
3 $4,303 $51,640
4 $5,200 $62,400
5 $6,097 $73,160
6 $6,993 $83,820
7 $7,890 $94,680
8 $8,787 $105,440

To qualify for Employment Barrier Reduction Program benefits, you need to be employed, seeking employment, or enrolled in an employment/vocational training program and:

  • Get SNAP benefits or part of an active SNAP household
  • Were removed from SNAP due to benefit time limits within the past 9 months and
    are an able-bodied adult without dependents

You may be eligible for other programs

Please review our “Find Services” page to learn more.