CEDA staff recently got in touch with Bernida who spoke out about CEDA’s Energy Services Programs and the relief gained from the help on her gas and light bill. Bernida described her experiences with having to use the program when she had no other way to have her utilities turned on and how she now shares this information with her community.  

CEDA’s Energy Services offsets monthly utility bills, allowing families to meet other basic needs. The department’s programs include LIHEAP (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program), which offers households month-to-month assistance or a one-time payment towards the utility bills; Peoples Gas Share the Warmth, and ComEd Residential Special Hardsship, which assists household’s with their past due balances.  

Bernida shared her most recent experience with the program and how she was able to lead her neighbor to one of our partner intake sites in their neighborhood after learning of their moment of need. Bernida said: 

My neighbors little boy came and asked me for a candle one day and I’m like what do you need a candle for and he was like Ms. B, our lights are out. I gave him a pack of candles and struggled with [if I should] go speak with his mother.”


– Bernida D

Bernida told of how she took her neighbor to one of the site’s the next day and she was able to have her services restored. We value our community leaders like Bernida  who are always willing to share their experiences and lead people to the services we offer! Thank you Bernida  and all of our other Chicagoland ambassadors! Because of you all and your stories, we are encouraged to keep doing the work we do! 

1 thought on “Client Spotlight: Meet Bernida

  1. Thank you for sharing Bernida’s story. Her story reminds me why I get up every morning and come to work at CEDA.

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